On the 31st October it won’t only be the Trick-or-Treating kids knocking on my door but also the ghosts of the past who will be hell bent on dragging up painful past memories and emotions.
“ Now before I go any further I must add that I know my ex-wife will be reading this ( as we have remained best of friends ) and I need her to know that I genuinely do not blame anyone or anything for our marriage breaking down and that I still consider her one of my closest friends and I sincerely hope that it remains that way for the rest of our lives.”
You see, on the 31st of October 2011 it will be exactly 5 years since my marriage of 10 years fell apart and my best friend of near on 14 years moved out of our house.
I remember that day 5 years ago as clearly as I remember the day that we got married. I still at times feel sad for all three of us ( including our son ) that life did not end up the fairy-tale that we all expected, but I guess the reality actually is that more of us never see that fairy-tale ending then those that do. As John Lennon once wrote “ Life is what happens when you’re making other plans ” and poor old Ned Kelly summed it up perfectly when on the gallows he said ” Such Is Life ”.
I have dated a few times since Ms R and I split and at one stage I even thought I’d maybe found another soul to share my life with but to be honest I think most of those dates and failed relationships were me trying to make something out of thin air so that I didn’t feel so alone.
I do miss having a partner to share my life with, someone to talk to both when I’m excited about life and want to share its joy as well as someone to talk to when I need a sympathetic ear and shoulder when life gets a bit rougher that I feel like I can handle alone.
I definitely miss holding that special person in my arms and I’m not just talking about sex. I miss that cuddle on the lounge while watching a DVD, that gentle embrace and kiss and I miss going to bed and waking up to the sight and soft touch of a partner probably most of all.
I miss many things about being in a relationship but I equally have found a few things in being single that I would hate to completely loose as well such as the being able to leave the toilet seat up and being able to drink straight out of a bottle in the fridge …. Lol, only joking, I always did that anyway.
Seriously though, I keep getting told that there are still plenty of fish in the sea and I’m once again starting to feel like it’s time to get back out fishing again, if only the fear of the ocean would subside enough for me to throw a line in.
On a brighter note, the photograph above is of the Sunrise 3 days ago where I live. It is towards the end of Spring here and we got a surprisingly cool and foggy start to the day on Monday. I actually live in suburbia but zoomed in on the sun trying to break through the fog. The only disappointment with the photograph is the dust specks on the lens which I didn’t wipe.
Cheers & Ciao for now, thanks for reading :)
“ Now before I go any further I must add that I know my ex-wife will be reading this ( as we have remained best of friends ) and I need her to know that I genuinely do not blame anyone or anything for our marriage breaking down and that I still consider her one of my closest friends and I sincerely hope that it remains that way for the rest of our lives.”
You see, on the 31st of October 2011 it will be exactly 5 years since my marriage of 10 years fell apart and my best friend of near on 14 years moved out of our house.
I remember that day 5 years ago as clearly as I remember the day that we got married. I still at times feel sad for all three of us ( including our son ) that life did not end up the fairy-tale that we all expected, but I guess the reality actually is that more of us never see that fairy-tale ending then those that do. As John Lennon once wrote “ Life is what happens when you’re making other plans ” and poor old Ned Kelly summed it up perfectly when on the gallows he said ” Such Is Life ”.
I have dated a few times since Ms R and I split and at one stage I even thought I’d maybe found another soul to share my life with but to be honest I think most of those dates and failed relationships were me trying to make something out of thin air so that I didn’t feel so alone.
I do miss having a partner to share my life with, someone to talk to both when I’m excited about life and want to share its joy as well as someone to talk to when I need a sympathetic ear and shoulder when life gets a bit rougher that I feel like I can handle alone.
I definitely miss holding that special person in my arms and I’m not just talking about sex. I miss that cuddle on the lounge while watching a DVD, that gentle embrace and kiss and I miss going to bed and waking up to the sight and soft touch of a partner probably most of all.
I miss many things about being in a relationship but I equally have found a few things in being single that I would hate to completely loose as well such as the being able to leave the toilet seat up and being able to drink straight out of a bottle in the fridge …. Lol, only joking, I always did that anyway.
Seriously though, I keep getting told that there are still plenty of fish in the sea and I’m once again starting to feel like it’s time to get back out fishing again, if only the fear of the ocean would subside enough for me to throw a line in.
On a brighter note, the photograph above is of the Sunrise 3 days ago where I live. It is towards the end of Spring here and we got a surprisingly cool and foggy start to the day on Monday. I actually live in suburbia but zoomed in on the sun trying to break through the fog. The only disappointment with the photograph is the dust specks on the lens which I didn’t wipe.
Cheers & Ciao for now, thanks for reading :)
Yeah plenty of fish - silly saying really. You don't want plenty - you just wanna land one. The best part about fishing is the actual events and places you go. You get to do shit while fishing instead of sitting at home thinking about going fishing. The other strange thing about fishing is that when you try to hard and expect to catch a fish you either don't hook one or get a toad fish or old boot instead. Good to see you writing again - about time I did as well. Love you, Wendy